'Phulka Ingredients Wheat flour-1/4kg Salt-totaste Water *No Oil ,Butter can apply after cook phulka Kadai Paneer Paneer-200gm Onion-1/2kg Tomato-1/2kg Gingergarlic-1tbsp Capsicum-100gm Dry masala-Turmeric,Kashmir Chiily,Coriander,Cumin,Gram masala, Methi leaf Oil-100ml Ghee-50ml Kadai Powder: Jeera Red chilly Fennel Coriander seed Cardamon Cinnamon I have use Fresh milk paneer for this dish.It cost 60Rs for 200gm.Its available only in Coimbatore at present. Kindly download App from following link they give door delivery with 500ml Cow milk sample. Referral Code : Use my Referral Code 7010856439 and get 500ml Fresh Cow Milk absolutely free home delivered. Please Download the app from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fresh.milk Phulka Stand Available in Chandran Steels and online it cost 200 Rs. https://www.amazon.in/Roasting-Stainless-Roaster-Wooden-Chapati/dp/B08666SCLP #Phulkarecipeintamil#KadaiPaneer#ChefShankarsKitchen#SoftChappathi#PaneerDish#Paneersemidry#BestPaneerDish#WheatChappathi#'
Tags: paneer , Oil Free Food , phulka , chappati , kadaipaneer , side dish for chappathi , SoftChappathi , WheatChappathi , PaneerDish , Semi Dry veg , Paneerdry , Dry paneer , Chappathiku side dish , Phulka recipe in tamil , Phulka recipe in Chef Shankar's Kitchen
See also: